Sunday, June 24, 2007

Untitled: Part 9

The thirty seconds went quickly. Leon and Milo parted ways, shaking hands. "It's not your fault, you know," Milo said. "It was bound to happen."

"I know," Leon replied.

Milo undid the latch for the ceiling compartments. A light ladder unfolded. They exchanged glances. "You were always prepared," Leon said.

"As I said. It was bound to happen. We had to be ready."

Leon nodded and started up the ladder. After him, Milo pushed the ladder back up, sealing the compartment. After a second's delay the lighting system flickered on. It was a soft white light illuminating the shiny clean silver metal duct. A constant, weak wind blew past. Leon wasted no time. Moving as silently and deftly as he could, he shimmied down the corridor.

At a fork he turned left and went another hundred feet. He passed a vent in the side and peered into the room. It was empty. He spotted the door to the outside at the wall. With quick movements, he knocked open the panel beneath him and fell to the ground below. Reaching the door, he entered the same twelve-digit code, which was followed by a suction sound. Letting out a breath, he moved to the door to the room and locked it from the inside. Then he jumped to the duct and pulled himself up, shutting the panel after him. The whole process took under two minutes.

With six doors yet to secure, and the security system to reset if Milo did not reach it first, Leon continued without hesitation. He found the next two doors with ease and had no trouble. At the third door he bruised his leg while attempting to get back in the air duct. He misjudged his grip and fell onto his knee. Repressing the desire to scream in pain, he breathed several deep breaths, squeezed the surrounding area, and stood up the moment he felt comfortable. He paced the room a couple times, then attempted the jump again with success. Still wincing, he continued on his path.

The fourth and fifth lockdowns went smoothly, though he moved more slowly and felt pain with every step. Once back in the air duct, he moved as fast as he could to the next door, which was nearby. He turned a corner, then another, and spotted the next panel. Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, he reached it.

Without warning, the lights in the compartment went out. Leon held the latch to the panel, and his breath, afraid to let either go. Through the corresponding vent, Leon could see the room below bathed in blue light. A figure moved through it to the outside door. It was Ralph.

Keeping one hand on the latch, and slowly letting out a restrained breath, Leon reached for his gun.

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